Award Submissions

Upload Award Nominations via Dropbox File Request.
**You do not need to have a Dropbox Account to upload files.


If you are having trouble uploading your files, they may also be submitted by email to or by mail by sending a CD or thumb drive to:

Janet Giris, WMPF Director-at-Large
DelBello Donnellan Weingarten Wise & Wiederkehr, LLP
One North Lexington Avenue, 11th floor
White Plains, New York 10601

If you choose to send a hard copy of your application, please submit 3 sets of each application package. For physical projects, you will be asked to accompany a nominations committee member on a site visit to your project at a mutually convenient time in order to answer any questions that may arise.

We look forward to receiving your program entries for Planning Achievement and Citizen Planner Awards and to learning about your noteworthy projects and nominations.

Westchester Municipal Planning Federation
Michaelian Office Building, Room 432, 148 Martine Ave, White Plains, NY 10601
Phone (914) 995-4769 ●